Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's not just flowery language

             When we hear the words "flowery language," what most likely goes through our heads is the sweet nothings we all associate with relationships. To the parties involved in the conversation, these words are sweeter then honey and are deeply encouraged in most situations. To parties not involved, however, these words are most revolting thing that could be said. What we all miss though is the importance of such language in everyday situations, not just intimate relationships.
            What we must first realize is what  flowery language really is: embellishing for the sake of emphasis of a specific point (also known as a hyperbole). Something we don't acknowledge though is the abundance of situations that we all use it in and how it helps us to communicate truth to someone, even though embellishing is, at its heart, lying.
            When your good friend is having a bad day, it is not uncommon to tell them that you would do anything for them. Would you really do anything for them? If they told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? Of course not, but it conveys to them that you really do care. When you tell your significant other that your love burns hotter then a thousand suns, it really doesn't. It's just their way of putting into words something abstract. When your boss says he will give you the boot if your performance doesn't improve, you don't consider ignoring him to get free footwear.    
            Outside of birthday surprises, there aren't many occasions where lying isn't frowned upon but flowery language is definitely one of them. We have all become so accustomed to using it that, until someone else uses it front of us, we tend to be oblivious to it. That doesn't mean we can just not use it however. Sometimes telling your friend that you care or your partner you love them isn't enough; even if it is the truth. Sometimes true words cannot express what we feel. So next time you hear a sweet nothing, never forget that, while maybe not in the same context, you do the same thing too. Sometimes the only way to express what needs to be said is in beautiful lie.

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