Monday, November 9, 2009

It's easy to talk when no one is listening

            The right words tend to get lost when we are under pressure. Maybe it's the anxiety of making a fool of ourselves in front of others or the lack of time to collect our thoughts but, when the moment is right, we all tend to be at a loss for words. That is why we all vent off camera, out of sight, where no one can see us stumble until we get everything just the way we want. It's not the ideal arrangement, but sometimes the only way to tell the truth is when you are alone.
            Self searching plays a big part in discovering our true emotions and thoughts. Without it we can only go skin deep into ourselves, never reaching the heart of the matter. For many of us that search is through prayer or meditation, some fill time with mind-numbing tasks until it hits them, and others just sit in silence hoping the answers will come. Whatever the method is we all come to our answers, but how we share them is another matter completely.
            Even the most extroverted person fears the people who they admire and seek approval of. For some reason we cannot put our collected thoughts to words that easily, forcing us to seek alternate means of communication. The number of relationships that hide behind a letter or an instant messenger to tell the truth is great, but the number of relationships that go discussed is greater. In some way, form, or fashion, we all need our own way to tell someone else what we are thinking.
            As the song goes, "Every time the time was right all the words just came out wrong, So I'll have to say I love you, in a song." Music is just one form of telling someone the truth. Somehow hiding behind a guitar or a recording is the safety net someone needs to convey what they are thinking, sometimes it's something as simple as a poem, painting, or blog, but one thing is certain; it's something that more of us need to start doing.
            The truth is useless if it is never said. What good is a testimony if it is never told or a song that is never sung? It doesn't matter how we do it or what we do it on, but we all need someway of saying what we think and we need to start telling our thoughts. Trust is the most important thing two people can share, but we need to be willing to share the truth first. I have my blog, poems, and music; what do you have? Whatever it is, you need to start using it. Go ahead: no one is listening.


  1. It is always easier to talk when your by yourself. When your alone you can understand things much better; because your usually clear headed and there isn't much to distract your thoughts. You can focus on a problem, prayer, and people much more effectively.
    Of course every person fears who they most admire and seek approval of because it is these opinions that matter most. And truth is quite important.
    I have my music, books, and Blankie.

  2. This is true, but there are times when left to our own devices, that things such as denial or our own emotional involvment in a situation can alter our PERCEPTION of what the truth is. In this case, trust comes into play and the importance of having that 1 person or small group of people with whom we can be completely honest about the situation and our emations therein and let them call us on our bullcrap. I have both a single person for my darkest thoughts and perceptions, and a group for my general... both have helped me tremendously!!! -Josh
