Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's easy to not pursue it

            There are many types of wants and needs in life; the want of possessions, the want or need of attention, and the need of affection just to name a few. The issue with all of these things is that there are many variables that control our ability to get them. We need money to buy something, the courage to stand out and get noticed, or just the openness to love like you want to be loved, but that's not all even these things depend on. Sometimes we ignore our wants and needs because we make ourselves. It's easy to say no when the odds are stacked against us.
            The most obvious thing that comes to mind is possessions. It is so easy nowadays to just put all our dream items, like a car, on a credit card or payment plan and worry about paying later, but we train ourselves to not do so. Why? Because we know that it would be irresponsible, yes, but also because we know that, in the long run, we wouldn't be happy when we can't pay for it and it is taken away. It's easy to say no when the odds are stacked against us.
            Another prime example that effects all of us is the want or, sometimes, need of attention. Whenever we want to be noticed, its very simple to do something either shocking or "comical" just to get attention, but we don't always do that? Again, why? For most people it's the fact that it is not in their nature to act out, but for some it's the shame they feel when a certain someone notices what they did or the rejection from someone who didn't even notice. Yes, we would get attention, but it probably wouldn't be the kind we wanted. It's easy to say no when the odds are stacked against us.
            Something that we all need however is affection. This most basic of human needs is also one of the hardest to get and also the hardest to lose, but we all struggle with it at some point. Some say its as simple as asking for it and getting a parent or close friend to devote time to you, or declaring your affection for someone and hoping they return it to you, and yet we all struggle with doing these things. Why? Unfortunately there are too many answers to list, but some of the reasons would that perhaps, after you ask for affection, the other party would perceive you differently or consider you weak. In the case of returning affection, the fear of rejection if that person did not return their affection is almost unbearable to some, others have a fear of altering their relationship for the worse, while still others "just know" that it wouldn't work out. It's easy to say no when the odds are stack against us.
            However, sometimes it's not so easy. Sometimes that want, desire, or need is so great is so great that it breaks all boundaries of common sense and drives us to go for the goal. It's those moments, when we lay everything out on the line, when life happens. It may not always turn out the way we want it to, but it's the price we pay for living it.  We must never be afraid to follow through with our hearts true desires. While we are often unprepared for what may happen, it's easy to say yes when we want it bad enough.

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