Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's about not compromising

            How often are we taught that we should change things about ourselves to better fit our current situation or circumstance. We are told that in order to make it in this world we will have to settle for something we may not want or to change our plans so that they are more "realistic" and closer to the stereotypical "normal". What we are not told, however, is that we don't have to.
            There is an old saying that states, "The future is what you make it." This saying rings more truth that most people give it credit for as, in most circumstances, you have no one to blame for where you are now except yourself. Yes there are cases where you may have been thrown into a situation that was totally out of your control, but we truly are the shapers of our future.
            Once we get fixed on one goal or one state of mind, that is when the world tells us we are wrong and we must conform to what is "right". When the little boy states he wants to be an astronaut we heartily encourage it, but when the time comes to start working for that goal we are also the first to show that boy something else he should do. When someone has the natural tendency to react a certain way to a situation, we somehow find it our duty to show him the error of his ways even when there was nothing "wrong" with the way they did it. Why? What is so wrong with someone doing something their own way or dreaming big?
            We have to come to the understand that, on both fronts, our own ideas or ways of thinking are our own and we need to keep it that way unless asked. We need to have the courage to defiantly stick to our plan or way of thinking, while having the common decency to not try and influence someone else into our way of thinking. It is our responsibility as humans to be diverse, to differ from one another, and to stick to our guns when we know we are in the "right", and shut our mouth when the other person is in their definition of "right".
            It's not about letting someone live their life without your aid when they are in need of help, but it's also not up to us to correct every wrong we think we see. On the other hand, we also cannot become so fixated on something that we ignore everyone's attempt to help us, but we also need to stand firm in our goals and what we believe to be true. We must learn to never compromise when we know you are right and also to never cause someone to compromise when we may be wrong. Life is only worth living if we are living it as ourselves.

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