Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's about staying positive

            Why is it that, no matter how much we try, we all tend to offer negative views of our friends, ourselves, or the world at one time or another? Why do we scorn ourselves just because we have responsibilities? Why is it that, after every little set back in our lives, we resort to belittling ourselves and stating "FML" as if our life is the armpit of the world? Why do we, as Americans, think we have it so bad sometimes while a dozen kids died from hunger in the time it took me to write this sentence? Why?
             Life is full of ups and downs, but for some reason it is the down moments that stick to us the most. We have gotten so complacent with having an easy life that, after every nit-picky thing that happens, we curse the world. Emotional injury is the worst thing that most of us will ever know and, for many, that is enough to drive them to suicide. It's funny to think that, somewhere out there, there is a boy who is in more pain than I could ever imagine from malnutrition and yet pleads for life while a boy down the street begs for death after his girlfriend of two weeks leaves him. How pampered our lives have become.
          What's worst is that all of this is unnecessary. No, I'm not saying that you can stop yourself from getting emotionally hurt, but you can make it through if don't focus on the negativity of your life. It's very easy to wallow in your own self pity, never letting go of your pain, but the great thing about emotional pain is that you have the power to fix it, no doctor required. It's all about staying positive.
          The same way that a cancer patient has much better odds of recovering if they have a positive outlook, we can help ourself overcome our own emotional pain. We need to view the proverbial "finish line" of our situation and concentrate on getting there, looking past how we got here. Just how Olympic athletes are told to focus on the gold, we must focus on getting back to the state of mind where we feel comfortable and happy. Things can help us along, like our friends and loved ones, but it has to be our choice to run to the finish and not wander around the starting gate. While it's hard to look past what has wronged us, and, in truth, we never fully can, it's something that is really essential to do in order to maintain ourselves how we were created to be. So, when your world seems to be falling down, run to the finish line. Maybe when you get there you'll realize that your world isn't as bad as you believed.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, from time to time we can get so caught up with our current struggles that we fail to see the big picture. We forget about our self proclaimed major problems in the past that may or may not have been as bad as we originally thought, but either way we made it past them. Personally I try to avoid people that can only concentrate on the negative aspects of life. Some people have said that in certain situations that I'm too laid back and obviously don't care about what's going on... but 95% of the time that's not the case. I just prefer to not get worked up and think things out logically and make the best decision that leads to the best resolution. It isn't like we can change the past so there's no point in getting worked up about things we can't change, but we can always do something to make the most of any given situation.
